Dear Colleagues,
In appreciation and recognition for the hard work & commitment by FVSB staff, the company is planning to hold our 2nd company trip. At this point in time, the company is at the stage of researching our venue options, with a tentative schedule of 23-25 July 2010, for a period of 3 days 2 nights over the weekend.
What you need to do:
Department Heads to nominate a Representative from your Department to be the focal point to provide us with the list of staff that are able to attend on these dates. Please provide the FULL NAMES of staff (as per IC/passport) when replying.
All current FVSB employees, both onshore and offshore. For seconded FVSB employees, this invitation is open to all FVSB employees seconded to the Kikeh (MDPC) and Gumusut projects only. Additionally, offshore employees on the Kikeh project hired via KASK are also invited.
Submission of names:
In order to facilitate planning and arrangements for the trip, all nominated Department Representatives must revert to Pauline ( by Monday, 7 June 2010, 12.00pm with the attedance list for your respective department. Late submissions will not be entertained.
For submission of names, only submission BY E-MAIL (with FULL NAMES of staff as per IC/passport) to Pauline will be taken into consideration.
kat bawah ni gambar2 company trip aku last year ke karambunai, sabah
aku ngan BFF...kahhhhhh...ada org dengki bile aku ada BFF..byk giler BFF aku....asal pangai kita ok, semua org nak berkwn ngan kita...tol tak?
10 ulasan:
wow!! peluang yg dinanti2kan...memg rezeki ko laa mie...
baru nak publish gambar karambunai..aritu ko tjk sikit je...heehhehe...sgt2 meriah 'event' co. trip ko nih...semoga co. ko terus maju dan also ko dilimpahi rezeki mencurah2..amin...
ni laa baru dikatakan ada hikmah disebalik kejadian...tol tak?
p/s : siapa dengki ngn ko BFF yg ramai nih? salah ker?
wahhh tu p ke luar negara..kene buat paspod tuhh hehe...nnt pg boleh lah aku kirim erkkk beli ole..ole...hehe
me, lepas satu, satu good news ko dpt kan. tu la namanya ada hikmah disebalik kejadian. apekah? kahhhhh...
kalau dpt bawak 1 family lagi best kan? tp nanti pengsan lak datuk nak kena support spouses lak. hehehe...
tak saba nak tau kemana lokasi company trip korg. semoga business korang tambah maju ye. amin...
ryn: mmg ada HIKMAH DI SEBALIK KEJADIAN...alhamdulillah syukur...rezeki Allah namanyer nih
aku pun x tau la nape ada org dengki bile aku nak berkawan ramai...pepatah pun ada sebut kan..BERKAWAN BIAR BERIBU, BERKASIH BIAR SATU...tol tak?
mel: aku rasa company aku wat passport group kot...senang sket...tak leceh...ekeke..
insyAllah kalau aku dah tau mana destinasinyer, akan ku beli ole2 tuk korang yer..insyAllah...takut plak aku nak berjanji lebey2...
alya: aku setuju ngan kamooo...mmg ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian...hanya org yg betul2 memahami, yg paham maksud hikmah nih...kan? kan?
kalaulah dato setuju spouse ikut sama, mmg aku dah terlonjak2 kegembiraan skrg...sambil bercuti, sambil berhanimun...ekeke...pakej 2 plus 1...
aku pun x tau mana lokasi destinasi yg dituju..semuanyer rahsia...nntlah aku nak korek2..ekeke...
waahh..! bestnyaa.. yang penting FREE OF CHARGE.. iyer tak? semo0ga percutian nnt berjalan dengan lancar.. aminn..
wuhai kakak plak lar yg dengki2 akak ramai bff tuh...itu pun nk dengki ker?klako plak rasenye...~hehehe
waaaa...btul lar lea ckp...mmg thn 2010 adalah thn bertuah akak!~hehehe
jue: ha ah..tol jue! yg penting company bayar...akak rela jer...kalau bayar sendiri, harus dok diam2 kat opis...ekeke...
semoga selamat semuanyer...thanks jue!
lea: biasaklah lea...mgkn dulu dia bercita2 nak belajar sampai PHD (PERASAAN HASAD DENGKI) tp x kesampaian, tu yg terbawak asik sentap jer bile akak ada kwn ramai...ontah la lea...ragam manusia...lumrah la mmg kelako!
rezeki akak lea...syukur sgt2...
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